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Painful experience of letting-go and moving-on...

Yesterday evening was one of the biggest blows in my life. My girlfriend for almost five years and I called it quits. But it was rather an unforgettable experience, quite having me to pass-on sleeping last night. She broke up with me through text. At first, I was shocked because we were together at church a couple of hours earlier. With me having to pass staying afterwards at their place because I have an important function to attend later that night. She texted me a couple of hours later as I was in the middle of being merry during the event, It goes like, "she loves me very much but she couldn't deal with the hurt I am giving her by not reciprocating my love to her. She has no expectations whatsoever, given the fact that she can't push me to do that and she learned to accept me for who I am, but there are things that she wants that I cannot provide and that we can not be happy moving forward since we obviously have a problem". I was distraught. I did not know what exactly to feel...continuing with her text message that "It was not a fault on your side". At first, I did not get the message so I texted back, "What exactly are you implying?" "Shall we have time to talk and not SMS?" , then she replied, "I am breaking-up with you" I think this is the right and only thing to do", "I don't wan't to see you or talk to you anymore." She never replied again after a couple of text messages I sent her. I was distraught that I hurt her. Simple matter to me was already the universe to her. I cannot blame her. She may be right. And so right now, I continue to be saddened, to grieve about us. I know for a fact that we can no longer be together again, or so I thought. She never asked for space, she broke-up with me.

Exactly up to this moment I haven't had sleep yet thinking, " is this worth the fight or should I let go? and move on" God bless us both...


... beachfreak said…
I am not in the position to give you advice. Do what you think is best.

Women are very had to understand. I'm a woman, I should know :p

You have to understand that we have our 'needs'. Some may be different from other, complicated at its best.

Be strong. God bless.
aajao said…
hi. got your link from the beachfreak's page. anyway, just wanna say that i find it funny for people to relate to one another. and the reason is only one: matter of the heart. haha.. dude, ingat na lang and goodluck to us all!

btw, just wanna share my friends advise to me: "don't look for love, it will come to you unnoticed."

i wouldn't say it would also apply to you but it's giving me a great impact since i'm feeling mixed emotions with my recent break up with my girl. oh well, as they say, c'est la vie. :p
gillboard said…
5 years is a very long time... i wouldn't know how much you're hurting right now... but there are some things that we really cannot control... if its not meant to be, its not meant to be... but with all things, we must move on...
you haven't been single for five years... youve missed out on a lot of things... being single and free is NOT a bad thing...

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