welcome to the Philippines...
...the country that did not close its borders when the Covid-19 was first reported. the country where face shields were considered to be a must have to protect from Covid-19, in addition to face masks.
...the country that procures vaccines that are China made even if the major pharmaceutical manufacturers are offering more effective and less costly vaccines.
...the country that seems to have a confusing (or rather confused) quarantine classifications. one moment, we are in Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) and just about to happen, the more laxed General Community Quarantine (GCQ). despite still having surges in Covid 19 and hospitals in full capacity already given the dreaded Delta variant as well. the government seems to be playing with the classification like a Yo-Yo without looking into the counts, stats and projections.
many citizens have already died from Covid since the beginning of this pandemic and it seems the gov'ts efforts to contain is not really effective...given the quarantine classification and all.
add to the fact that political ambitions are being put in the pedestal even in the midst of still to resolved situation and economic collapses. ongoing investigation of corruption and misused funds, and over-priced gov't procurements.
...and f#k! this is my country. and I really hope the people of this nation vote intelligently and wisely in the next year's election. wishful thinking: none from the current corrupt gov't and system will win in any position.
God help us 🙏