My current profession was not where I envisioned myself to be in if you're going to ask me maybe 10 years ago. I entered the IT sector because 20 yrs ago, Technology was booming and even in demand than say the production sector. This was where the money is during that time.
But if you're gonna ask me what would've I been if I could turn back time?
I would've been a.... for the reason that I thought that this is the profession of the rich people. However, my parents cannot afford to send me to med school.
...architect because I am fond of conceptualizing. pretty much seems cool. However, during that time, this wasn't really in any of my liking.
...industrial designer because you'll be able to design things and envision modernity. However, I didn't see the value of this during that time period.
...businessman. bottomline, we don't have any family business going and I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth to inherit a business.
But I am ok where I am in now because it brings the dough.
I just thought...what if? But truly no regrets. -the.end-